Get your hypno-birth on with 9 downloadable audio tracks of meditations, visualizations, and affirmations created specifically for unmedicated birth!


You’re dreaming about your birth and you KNOW you want the kind of birth that is calm, peaceful, and serene

You’ve seen the birth videos and read the stories about moms who stay calm all throughout their labors, (even transition!) and breathe their babies down and out in the most tranquil way.

You know you want that. 

You want to go into labor feeling calm and peaceful, handle the intensity of it by staying completely relaxed, and birth that baby in a restful and composed way. 


Maybe you….

- Are planning an unmedicated birth and dream of staying calm the entire time

- Took another birth class to learn all about birth but want to learn how to really “chill out” during the entire labor

- Are low key freaking out about how you will handle the intensity of labor surges

- Have already learned about (or practiced) hypnobirthing, meditation, or visualization but need more audios to really practice relaxation each day.

Imagine this…

- Practicing meditation and visualization often enough in pregnancy to feel excited and relaxed about what your labor will look like, and when it will start!

- Learning how to relax your entire body so well that you can become completely relaxed in a matter of seconds, regardless of the situation you are in or how powerful your contractions are

- Feeling that first intense surge and not being worried AT ALL about freaking out because you know how to relax

- Throwing on your headphones when you are feeling those surges strongly and completely chilling out- even forgetting about the intensity of it all

- Breathing through transition and pushing calmly, confidently, and powerfully.

- Birthing your sweet baby into a world full of peace, calm, and tranquility. 

Does this sound as dreamy to you as it does to me?!

Let me introduce you to: The Audio Bundle

Get your hypno-birth on with 9 downloadable audio tracks of meditations, visualizations, and affirmations created specifically for unmedicated birth!

The Audio Bundle was created for the pregnant mama looking for a peaceful way to enjoy pregnancy, labor, and birth.

-Nine downloadable audio tracks of meditations, visualizations, and affirmations

-Different lengths so that you can fit them into your schedule no matter how busy your day is

-Encourage a mentally healthy pregnancy, labor, and birth

-Focused on enjoying pregnancy, imagining birth, and practicing relaxation

Psst…..Practicing the relaxation techniques of visualization and meditation is the KEY to a calm and peaceful pregnancy and labor experience.


Check out this awesome birth story!

"The biggest resource from Birth Academy I utilized was The Audio Bundle. I went into “false labor” at 3am with contractions going from anywhere 6-10 minutes apart. I sat in the nursery threw in my AirPods and zoned out to some of the guided relaxation from The Audio Bundle. As the weekend progressed my contractions would not quit all day and night but never hitting that consistent pattern. I could have totally lost my mindset here but I leaned into what I learned so I used the guided relaxation at night to help try and sleep and just relaxed into the contractions focusing on my breathing. I spent a lot of my time alone in my room or downstairs in the living room as I was in my own zone and wanted to ride out the waves. I went from the shower to the bath to my birthing ball and going about my day when contractions would ease; I pulled every tool from my box to find comfort and not get in my head...By time I got into L&D and admitted I changed into my own hospital gown and pulled out my birth plan to go over with the nurses. I was able to ride out the intense waves of the contractions without even thinking about it my body was just taking over... The contractions were so close together and making my body feel like I needed to push, it was like I had no control so I just listened to my body. A little after 8am I told the nurses it was time to push and 40 minutes later my beautiful daughter came earth side."

- Courtney B.

What’s the big deal about meditation and visualization anyways?! 

Meditation and visualization techniques are comfort measures that focus on the brain staying calm in order for the body to stay calm. 

Let me explain…. 

You know how if you sit and think about something that makes you feel mad or sad (even if it hasn't actually happened and likely won't happen) you will literally make yourself feel sad? 

For example, if you think about your partner doing something that you don't like you will physically be sad and mad at them. If you thought excessively about something that scares you (like someone breaking into your home) you could literally make yourself stay up all night in fear.

This is because our bodies react to our thoughts and want to make anything we think about true. 

This is called The Law of Psycho- Physical Association: For every thought there is a corresponding physical and chemical response and change within the body. The body follows the mind!

This means that it is scientifically proven that if you fear birth and are dwelling on those fearful thoughts, your body will be physically tense. 

When your body is tense, that causes your labor to be longer, harder, and more painful. 

Meditations, visualizations, and affirmations are designed to help you relax your mind during pregnancy (and eventually during labor) so that your body stays relaxed as well. 

When you are able to truly relax your mind and body, your labor will not only be much more calm and peaceful, but shorter and easier as well. 


Hi! I’m Carlee, an Online Childbirth Educator and Doula!

I help pregnant moms become educated and confident about having an unmedicated birth. Having an empowering birth experience is life changing- and I want you to have one of those transformative experiences!


The Audio Bundle

  • 2 Visualization Tracks

  • 5 Meditation Tracks

  • 1 Affirmation Track

  • 1 Partner Visualization Track

Not only is there currently a price discount on the Audio Bundle, but it comes with amazing bonuses!

Release Your Fears Workbook

  • Effectively release all of your labor and birth fears

  • An easy to follow process with 7 simple steps

  • A wildly important birth preparation step for you and your partner!

3 Printable Affirmation Decks

  • Affirmation decks meant to be printed for reminders of your power

  • Divine Childbirth Affirmation Deck (christian based)

  • Intuitive Childbirth Affirmation Deck (positivity focused)

  • Knowing Your Rights Affirmation Deck (advocacy minded)

The Comfortable Childbirth Cheat Sheet

  • 40+ comfort measures listed by type

  • Comfort measures for each phase of labor

  • 17 different labor positions

  • Comfort measures to practice

  • Tools to have on hand





2 Vizualization Tracks

5 Meditation Tracks

1 Affirmation Track

1 Partner Visualization Track Track

+ Release Your Fears Workbook

+ 3 Printable Affirmation Decks

+ Comfortable Chilbirth Cheat Sheet

  • "The mental prep SAVED me those 50 hours of labor."

    -Sierra P.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • I suggest listening to the affirmations each day, and either a meditation or visualization almost every day. However, even if you only listen to them once each week, THESE WILL STILL BENEFIT YOU GREATLY!

  • I usually suggest you begin in the beginning or middle of the third trimester to get really good at it. However, even if you are expecting your baby any day, THESE WILL STILL BENEFIT YOU GREATLY!

  • When your body is tense it causes your labor to be longer, harder, and more painful. Meditations, Visualizations, and Affirmations are designed to help you relax your mind during pregnancy (and eventually during labor) so that your body stays relaxed as well. When you are able to truly relax your mind and body, your labor will not only be much more calm and peaceful, but shorter and easier as well.

  • When you listen to the visualizations and meditations, you should be completely focused (usually with your eyes closed), so it would not be appropriate to do any multitasking. However, the affirmation audio can be listened to while doing other things like walking, cooking, ect.

Don’t have enough time to implement an effective labor coping strategy?

What if I told you that no matter what you do to cope with the intensity of labor, you will need to practice it. 

Learning to relax your mind and body is one of the most important and effective ways to have a calm, peaceful, and tranquil labor and birth. 

Not sure if it’s worth the time and money?

Remember this, your birth has the potential to change your entire life.