The extensive guide to simple labor comfort measures for unmedicated birth- built to produce a calm, powerful, and relaxing childbirth experience.


So you want to have an unmedicated birth?

You may be concerned about how you will manage pain during labor.

You may hear people talk about labor as "the worst pain they ever felt" and see people screaming asking for pain relief in allllll the movies and tv shows. 

If you are planning your first unmedicated labor, it may feel even more overwhelming because you have never experienced it before!

I want you to know 3 things:


You can absolutely birth your baby without pain medication.


No really, you can!


There are so many things you can do to alleviate that labor pain you are worried about!

I created this guide to give you confidence that you have comfort measure "tools" in your back pocket for when labor does get intense. 

You don't have to just suffer through the pain. There are so many things you can do to make labor and birth comfortable.




The Fundamentals of Unmedicated Birth

Free Mini Birth Class

  • 4 powerful benefits of unmedicated birth, and how they will help you make difficult decisions

  • How to create your most supported birth experience- with tips that go far beyond hiring a provider

  • Learning to trust your body using The Confident Childbirth Approach


Hi! I’m Carlee, an Online Childbirth Educator and Doula!

I help pregnant moms become educated and confident about having an unmedicated birth. Having an empowering birth experience is life changing- and I want you to have one of those transformative experiences!