What does a Birth Doula Do?
A birth doula is a companion who supports a birthing person during labor, birth, and postpartum. A doulas primary responsibility is to the pregnant woman- not to the hospital administrator, nurse, midwife, or doctor.
Birth doulas are trained to provide one on one care in these three areas:
Informational Support- A doula will help a pregnant woman to discover her personal birth philosophy through providing evidence based information on pregnancy, childbirth,and postpartum including interventions typically used. This may look like: Helping to explain medical or natural events before or as they occur; Advocating for a birthing mothers wishes when she is in labor; or helping parents know their options about a specific situation.
*I specialize in this one!! I want to help you prepare for birth and understand what is happening during birth in order to help you have an empowered birth experience!
Physical Support- With physical support during labor, a doula can help a birthing person maintain a sense of comfort, confidence, and control during labor. This may look like: Teaching your partner how to massage, use counter pressure, or assist in other ways during surges; creating your ideal birthing environment; assisting the birthing woman with anything else needed during labor.
Emotional Support- A doulas primary goal is to care for the mothers emotional health and enhance her ability to have positive birth memories. I believe this starts much before you go into labor by helping the mother and father to choose appropriate care providers, birthing place, and creating a birth plan (and back up plans!). This may look like: working through fear or self doubt; continuous reasurrace, encouragement, and praise; educating your birthing partner on how to support you emotionally.