You Don’t Need to be Saved From Your Birth

Birth is NORMAL. You were created to do it. You can do it without all the interventions and medical procedures. Undisturbed birth typically does not need any medical intervention. Providers that let birth take its course untouched know this- and that’s why they have outcomes of less birth trauma and healthier moms and babies after birth. 

The thought that pregnancy and birth is a condition that *needs* to be treated medically is incorrect in most cases! The U.S. has higher birth mortality rates than any developed country in the world. The system of administering unnecessary birth interventions creates the fear surrounding birth, the problems that you need saving from, and the solutions to those problems that they created. $

There is NO NEED to fear birth. You were made for this. In the slight chance that you do truly need medical intervention, thank goodness that is an option. So keep your head up, remember that birth is a physiological event, you can do this, and forget your worries! 


The Way You Speak About Birth Matters


My Breastfeeding Journey