Risks and Benefits of 39 Week Induction

Main benefits: 

✨Avoid potential complications of continuing the pregnancy (developing something that would make labor more complicated)

✨First time mothers may have a lower cesarean rate with an induction- if your hospital has best practice “failed” induction protocol

✨Convenience, the ability to end a pregnancy that is uncomfortable 

✨Convenience, knowing when you will have your baby and be able to plan for that

Main risks: 

✨Potential for failed induction leading to a cesarean

✨Potential for medicalization of birth because of the induction (you will likely need to be continuously monitored, etc.)

✨You miss the hormonal benefits of spontaneous labor 

✨Longer time spent in labor 

✨Medically induced contractions may increase pain and make epidural use more likely

✨Potential uterine tachysystole (more than 5 contractions in 10 minutes, averaged over a 30 min window; it can lead to a possible decrease in oxygen to the baby, fetal heart rate changes, and increased risk of uterine rupture)

✨Increased risk of infection (with some methods) 

✨Cognitive benefits for babies during a continued pregnancy appear to increase until 40-41 weeks of pregnancy (so 39 week induction would miss this potential benefit)

*Sources available upon request


What Causes Pain In Labor?


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