Create Your “Birth Bubble”
Why is it that when you are about to birth a baby everyone feels the need to tell you their traumatic birth story? That’s literally the last thing you need!
At some point in the last few weeks of pregnancy, I suggest creating a “birth bubble” for yourself. This means thinking many positive thoughts about birth (spend specific time doing this each day!), and not allowing anyone to tell you anything negative about birth- including their own birth story.
If someone starts a sentence with “I had the worst experience with my birth...” I would literally stop them mid sentence saying “I am actually only listening to positive birth stories right now, I’d love to hear your story after I have delivered.” If they continue I would literally walk away. Haha it is that important!
At the end of pregnancy you need to protect your mind and soul by allowing only positive thoughts and emotions around birth- it will help you so much in labor!