You Can Have an Empowering Birth Even if it Doesn’t Go As Planned

I’ve heard women say they don’t bother researching birth options or making a birth plan because they don’t want to be disappointed when things take an unexpected turn. Here’s the truth- you need to research your options and make a plan so that when things go in an unexpected direction you feel in control. 

Birth is unpredictable- that is definitely true. Moms who feel empowered by their birth experiences don't feel that way because everything went according to plan. They feel that way because they were prepared, always in control, and supported. 

Moms who truly have these three things will be empowered by their birth experience even if…

They give birth at a hospital when a homebirth was planned

They get an epidural when they planned unmedicated

They end in a cesarean birth when they hoped for a vaginal birth

You get the idea…. You can still be empowered no matter what happens- as long as you are the one in control and you feel supported by your team! That's what you prepare yourself for- for an empowering experience no matter what happens!


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Why Does it Matter If Your Birth is Empowering?