Affirmations in Pregnancy

Affirmations can help strengthen self-worth by boosting both your positive opinion of yourself and your confidence in your ability to birth your baby. They can also help counter the feelings of panic, stress, anxiety, and self-doubt surrounding childbirth. 

Some will listen to their affirmations every day at the end of pregnancy, or tape them around their house to see as they are preparing to meet their little babe. Many will repeat them or think of them while in labor.

Your mindset is important in birth- regardless if you prefer a medical or natural birth. 

Here are some of my favorites:

My body knows how to nourish and grow my baby.

Each surge (or contraction, wave, whatever you want to call it) brings me closer to meeting my baby.

I can do anything for one minute.

I trust my body to birth my baby.

I was made for this.


You Are in Charge of Your Birth


Oxytocin vs. Pitocin