The 24 Hour Cure

Are you in your first few weeks of nursing and questioning if breastfeeding is working for you? 

Try the 24 hour cure- a concept created by Penny Simkin

The cure has two purposes: to nurture the postpartum mother (giving her rest, food and drink, and freedom from responsibility) and to nurture the baby (encouraging skin contact and constant access to her breast)

Here’s how it works: 

Set aside a full 24 hours when you have help from you partner, or another loved one who supports your breastfeeding journey (you can hire a postpartum doula for this if you need!). If you have sore or blistered nipples, address those issues before starting the 24 hour cure. (with a lactation consultant)

You go to bed with your baby and you both wear little clothing, cuddling under the bedding getting lots of warm, skin to skin contact. (this heightens the baby’s sucking reflex and feeding interest)

You may read, watch TV, or any other relaxing activity (no visitors!) in bed. Do not get up to do any work, chores, etc. 

Have your supportive partner bring you homemade nourishing meals and drink plenty of water (2 quarts is suggested) throughout the day. Your partner should also take care of diaper changes, and tending to the baby if they are fussy but not wanting to nurse. 

Whenever your baby wakes from a nap, or seems at all interested, offer to nurse them. The whole purpose is to have them nursing as much as possible! 

The 24 hour cure almost always results in an increase in milk production and improved suckling for the baby. 

Along with the 24 hour cure, if you are having breastfeeding difficulties you should also be seeing a lactation consultant. Many can come to your home. The more support the better!

Happy resting!


My Breastfeeding Journey


Benefits of Breastfeeding