Navigating the "Freak Out" Moment During Unmedicated Birth: Tips for a Natural Labor

As you prepare for your unmedicated birth, it's important to acknowledge that there likely will come a moment when you feel like you can't go on. This "freak out" moment is a natural part of the birthing process and is experienced by many moms, even those who are typically composed.

During labor, especially unmedicated labor, your body and mind are going through a transformative experience. It's normal to feel overwhelmed or unsure at times. The key is to be prepared for these moments and have strategies in place to help you cope.

I also have a free guide you can download to learn exactly why these comfort measures work, and 40+ ideas to try!

Here are my top tips for when nothing else is working and you are “freaking out”:

Connect with Your Partner

One of the most effective ways to calm yourself during a "freak out" moment is to connect with your partner. Holding hands, looking into their eyes, and feeling their calm energy can be incredibly grounding. Your partner is your rock, your support, and their presence can make all the difference during these challenging moments.

Change Your Position or Location

Sometimes, a change of scenery can help shift your mindset. If you've been in one place for a while, try moving to a different room or changing your position. Standing, squatting, or walking around can help change the dynamics of labor and give you a fresh perspective.


Water has a calming effect on the body and mind, which is why hydrotherapy can be so beneficial during labor. Whether it's a warm bath or a soothing shower, water can help relax your muscles and ease your mind. Many women find that being in water helps them cope with the intensity of contractions and provides a sense of comfort and relief.


Positive affirmations can be powerful tools for shifting your mindset during labor. Repeat phrases like "My body knows how to birth my baby" or "Each contraction brings me closer to meeting my baby" to remind yourself of your strength and capability. Affirmations can help you stay focused and empowered during challenging moments.

Focus on Your Breathing

When you're feeling overwhelmed, focusing on your breathing can help calm your mind and body. Practice deep breathing exercises, like calm breathing or box breathing, to help you relax and regain control. Slow, deep breaths can help you manage pain and stay present in the moment.


The "freak out" moment is a natural part of the birthing process, especially during unmedicated labor. It's important to remember that these moments are temporary and signal that you're progressing in labor. By connecting with your partner, changing your position or location, using hydrotherapy, practicing affirmations, and focusing on your breathing, you can navigate these moments with confidence and power.

Remember, your body is designed for this, and you are stronger than you know. Trust in yourself and your body's ability to birth your baby. Embrace the journey, and know that each contraction brings you one step closer to meeting your little one.

For more tips and techniques on preparing for an unmedicated birth, check out my comprehensive course, Birth Academy. Inside, you'll find everything you need to prepare for the empowering birth experience you deserve.

A free gift for you!

Have your most comfortable labor and birth with my free guide to comfort measures for unmedicated birth!


The Empowered Start Faves:

Free Mini Birth Class

Understand how to prepare effectively for your intuitive, transformative, and empowering birth experience… Plus typical mistakes moms make when planning to birth unmedicated (and how to avoid them)

The Comfortable Childbirth Cheatsheet

The extensive guide to simple labor comfort measures for unmedicated birth- built to produce a calm, powerful, and relaxing childbirth experience.

Birth Academy

The comprehensive preparation program for your unmedicated, mindful, and autonomous birth experience! This extensive program includes our full curriculum, mentorship from Carlee, and support from like minded moms inside the program!


more reading for you..

Hi, I'm Carlee 👋🏻 I’m a Childbirth Doula + Online Educator who helps moms prepare for the unmedicated birth they have been dreaming of. I’m a mama of three, an outdoor enthusiast, a positive thinker, a crunchy wannabe, and a big-dreaming doula who LOVES supporting pregnant moms in their unmedicated births. I believe that birth can be beautiful, positive, and empowering- and I believe in YOU!


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