6 Things To Do During Labor When You Don’t Know What To Do

I know you intuitively already know how to birth your baby. You have everything you need inside of you! 

Even when you are birthing your baby unmedicated.

I wrote this post in case you feel you “don’t know what to do” during labor at any point, or just want to try something different. 

Knowledge is power and when you pair your birth knowledge with your mama’s intuition you will know exactly what to do in each and every situation you come across.

Let’s get into it!

#1- Hydrate

Take sips of water, coconut water, or any hydrating drink. Staying hydrated during labor is something that can be easily forgotten, but it’s one of the most important things you can do! If you get dehydrated during labor it can cause you to have less energy, dizzyness, nausea, headaches, and general unwell feelings. 

That’s not what you want, especially if you want to birth your baby naturally without interventions!

It’s best practice to take a sip of a drink between every contraction to avoid this. (I should also note here that if you are hungry you should also eat, for the same reasons) Some of my favorite drinks for labor are: plain water, coconut water, an adrenal cocktail (OJ, Coconut water, and a pinch of salt is a simple one!), watermelon juice, or the drink mix Liquid IV. You don’t need to chug a bunch of water if you don’t want it, but a sip or two every few minutes will go a long way, especially during the early and active labor phase! 

#2- Breathe deeply

Filling your lungs with plenty of oxygen does wonders for the body, mind, and spirit! One of the breathing techniques I teach in my birth preparation program is “The Calm Breath” it is simple, easy, and effective! You will simply breathe in through your nose for 4-6 seconds, and then out through your mouth for as long as you can- 16 seconds is the goal. 

This breathing technique is perfect for an unmedicated birth, and also works well for any type of birth or stressful situation!

As you often fill your lungs with oxygen, you will regulate your body with this type of deep breathing. It will help you stay calm and relaxed, remember your goals, and tune in to your intuition. 

#3- Change positions

I often see moms in semi-reclined positions for their entire labors! This can really mess with your baby’s positioning (which will make your labor harder and longer!). A good rule of thumb for positions during labor is to do what feels good and intuitive to you. Most moms feel they want to lie down and rest during early labor (which is exactly what you “should” be doing!), and then once contractions get going they want to get up and move. This is typically the active labor phase. Many moms will intuitively lean over a bed, couch, or another piece of furniture. Swaying on a birth ball works great for many moms. Some moms love side lying with a peanut ball. Whatever position you choose, try to change positions every 30 minutes or 1 hour. Sooner if you feel it isn’t working for you! 

One of the biggest benefits of unmedicated birth is that you have the opportunity to move around freely! 

Upright positions are especially helpful during labor as they can aid in bringing the baby down, opening up your pelvis, increasing blood flow, welcoming more efficient contractions, and allowing gravity to work with you instead of against you! Upright positions have also been shown to increase birth satisfaction, which is so important! If you are looking for position examples, be sure to check out my free download which includes 17 different labor positions to try. 

#4- Connect with your baby

Labor is truly a work that you do *with* your baby. You are both working together harmoniously and intuitively to allow your little one to come into the world. It is amazing what simply connecting with your baby during labor can do. 

During your physiological labor, you will be able to feel kicks and movements from your baby. 

Pay attention to these! Keep your heart with your baby at all times and let your mama’s intuition guide you to know exactly what is going on inside your womb, and how you can help your baby to come down and out as smoothly as possible. Connect with your baby in whatever way feels best for you: rubbing oil on your stomach, talking to your baby, praying for your baby, or thinking about your baby. As you connect with your baby and remember that you are doing this together- you will have a more comfortable experience mentally and physically. You will also be more in tune with your body and your mothers intuition which is so important during labor and birth. 

#5- Empty your bladder

Another one that is so simple but often overlooked is simply emptying your bladder! Your bladder is located directly in front of your cervix so when it is full, it can literally be blocking the way for dilation. Every 30 minutes or so, take a trip to the bathroom and empty your bladder completely. 

When giving birth unmedicated, you can feel when your bladder is full, so be sure to empty it each time you feel the urge!

Other benefits of making your way to the toilet every so often are that you are getting on your feet and moving around, and a toilet is a place you will likely relax your pelvic floor muscles, making dilation happen more easily! 

#6- Relax your body

When your body is tense and stressed, your labor will be more difficult. The labor hormone Oxytocin is the backbone of progression during labor and in order to release Oxytocin, you also must be feeling relaxed, calm, and safe. 

Relaxing your body is absolutely key for a comfortable unmedicated birth. 

Every so often, check in with yourself! Relax your face, jaw, shoulders, hands, and pelvic floor. (I recommend practicing this many times during pregnancy so that you get really good at it! Check out The Audio Bundle for audios that will help you practice this effectively!) When you are able to have a physically relaxed body, you can have a generally easier, shorter, and faster labor. 

*Your jaw muscles are specially connected to your pelvic floor muscles, so that is especially important to keep relaxed!

That’s it! 6 things to remember during your unmedicated labor!

Here are some examples of when to use these strategies:

-You aren't sure if your labor is "progressing" the way you feel it should be

-You've been doing a certain comfort measure (position, mental work, etc) for a while now and it doesn't seem to be working anymore

-You haven't switched up your coping strategy in awhile

-Your surges are so powerful that you can't even stop to think, but you know you need to do something

As always, I want you to know that you are powerful. You are capable of birthing your baby without the drugs. Your body was made to birth your baby, and you have everything inside you that you need to do it. As you learn about birth, do it with the mindset of wonder- realizing that your body knows exactly how to birth your baby and all you need to do is tune in to your body, and follow that intuition!

A free gift for you!

Have your most comfortable labor and birth with my free guide to comfort measures for unmedicated birth!


The Empowered Start Faves:

Free Mini Birth Class

Understand how to prepare effectively for your intuitive, transformative, and empowering birth experience… Plus typical mistakes moms make when planning to birth unmedicated (and how to avoid them)

The Comfortable Childbirth Cheatsheet

The extensive guide to simple labor comfort measures for unmedicated birth- built to produce a calm, powerful, and relaxing childbirth experience.

Birth Academy

The comprehensive preparation program for your unmedicated, mindful, and autonomous birth experience! This extensive program includes our full curriculum, mentorship from Carlee, and support from like minded moms inside the program!


more reading for you..

Hi, I'm Carlee 👋🏻 I’m a Childbirth Doula + Online Educator who helps moms prepare for the unmedicated birth they have been dreaming of. I’m a mama of three, an outdoor enthusiast, a positive thinker, a crunchy wannabe, and a big-dreaming doula who LOVES supporting pregnant moms in their unmedicated births. I believe that birth can be beautiful, positive, and empowering- and I believe in YOU!


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